The Hall is Ready (March 2012)

The hall is now complete. Small finishing jobs are being undertaken and curtains and finishing touches are underway. Please visit the photo section to see pictures of the new interior

The architect has advised us not to open to the public until all the outside guide rails are in place. This will be completed in a matter of days and we will then be holding an open day for anyone to pop in and look at the wonderful new facilities. We will be letting the village know about the dates and times as soon as possible and the hall will be open to hire from April 1st. A formal opening of the Village Hall will take place in early May.

A brand new website will soon be in place with all of the details and hire arrangements about the hall. Should you wish to enquire before the web site appears please telephone either of our two booking secretaries:

Annie Winner 01865 361544
Marie Holmes 01865 361200

The Village Hall Management committee would like to thank everyone for their support and interest in the building work. Special thanks to our near neighbours who were patient and understanding as the work took place.

We look forward to seeing you in our ‘new’ village hall.